Ensuring a smooth and successful transition to a new data center location

Have you ever been part of a data center migration? If so, you know how complex and risky it can be. With so many servers, networks, applications and data to move, even the smallest mistake can turn into a major disaster. That’s why it’s critical to follow proven best practices when planning and executing a migration.

In this article, we’ll walk through 5 key strategies that can help make your next data center move a success. These best practices are based on real-world experience from numerous successful migrations. Whether it’s your first migration or your tenth, these tips will help you avoid common pitfalls and minimize downtime. Let’s get started!

Assess Your Current Data Center Infrastructure

To start, take a close look at your existing data center. What’s working, what’s reaching capacity and what needs to be upgraded or replaced? Make a list of your key systems and components like servers, storage, networking equipment, power supplies, cooling systems, and cabling. Note their condition, age, and any performance issues.

Check your servers and storage systems to see if they’re still suitable for your needs or if they’ll need replacement soon. Look for any lack of processing power, maxed out memory, or storage reaching capacity. Make a plan to replace or upgrade outdated equipment to support future growth.

Network Infrastructure

Your network equipment like routers, switches, and cabling form the backbone of your data center. Assess if your network can handle current and projected data, application, and bandwidth demands. Look for any equipment nearing end-of-life or in need of more capacity or higher throughput to avoid network bottlenecks.

Power and Cooling

Don’t forget to evaluate your power and cooling infrastructure which are critical to keeping your data center running efficiently. Check if you have enough power supply units, UPS batteries, generators and cooling units to support existing and new equipment. Make sure you have redundancy in place in case of failures.

By thoroughly evaluating your current data center infrastructure, you’ll get a clear picture of what needs upgrading or replacing to support your future needs. Use this assessment to put together a comprehensive migration plan, including a timeline for upgrading key components to avoid any impact on operations. With good planning, you’ll ensure a successful data center migration with minimal disruption.

Build a Strong Migration Team and Plan

Migrating your data center is a massive undertaking, so assembling the right team is crucial. Look for IT pros with experience in data center migrations, networking, storage, and security. They’ll understand the complexity and pitfalls to avoid. Assign clear roles and responsibilities to keep everyone on the same page. Regular meetings and status reports help too.

A detailed migration plan is also essential. Map out each step of extracting your data and applications from the old site, transferring them, and bringing everything back online in the new data center. Document how each system interconnects so nothing gets left behind. Include time estimates for each task and build in buffer room for unexpected issues.

Test, then test again. Run through the entire migration plan to find any holes or potential problems before the actual move. Do dry runs if possible, especially for critical systems. It’s much better to work out the kinks in advance rather than during the migration.

Don’t forget about connectivity. Work closely with your network and telecom teams to ensure circuits and connections are in place and ready to go when you flip the switch to the new data center. Redundancy is also important — have backup options for connectivity in case primary links go down.

Migrating to a new data center may seem scary, but with meticulous planning and the right expertise on your team, you’ll pull it off smoothly. Breaking the work into manageable chunks, verifying each step as you go, helps make a complex task achievable. Before you know it, you’ll be operating from your new home!

Choose the Right Migration Strategy: Lift and Shift vs. Re-Architect

Deciding on the right migration strategy is crucial to a successful data center move. The two main options are lift and shift or re-architecting your applications.

Lift and Shift

A lift and shift migration moves your current systems and software as-is into the new data center environment. This allows you to get up and running quickly with minimal disruption. However, your systems may not be optimized for the new infrastructure. Over time, you’ll want to re-architect to take full advantage of new capabilities.

Lift and shift is best when:

You need to migrate quickly with little downtime.

Your current architecture is relatively modern and scalable.

You plan to re-architect applications over the next 6–18 months.


Re-architecting your applications involves redesigning systems to leverage new infrastructure features like automation, scalability, and resilience. This may require rebuilding applications and databases and can take months to implement fully. However, it allows you to optimize for performance, efficiency, and lower costs long-term.

Re-architecting is the right choice when:

Your systems are outdated, siloed or not built for the cloud.

You want to take advantage of new infrastructure features immediately.

You need to consolidate or modernize legacy applications.

Cost efficiency and performance are top priorities.

The migration strategy you choose depends on your business and technical needs. For most organizations, a combined approach works well. Lift and shift time-sensitive systems to get up and running fast, then re-architect the rest over time. With planning and the right partners, you can migrate seamlessly while optimizing your data center for the future.

Mitigate Risks and Downtime During the Data Center Migration

As with any major technology project, data center migrations come with risks. Following best practices will help minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition to your new facility.

Plan Ahead

Don’t underestimate the amount of planning required for a successful data center migration. Map out timelines, budgets, resources, and responsibilities. Identify any single points of failure and have contingency plans in place. Planning for the unexpected will help avoid unwanted surprises.

Test Everything

Conduct tests of all critical systems and equipment before the migration to identify any issues. Test network connectivity, power systems, cooling systems, and server infrastructure. Fix any problems to ensure all systems are functioning properly in the new data center.

Stagger the Migration

Don’t try to move everything at once. A phased approach is less risky and disruptive. Start with less critical systems, then migrate core systems and data in stages. This allows you to learn and adjust processes along the way before moving onto the next phase.

Maintain Redundancy

During the migration process, maintain redundancy for critical systems like power, cooling, and connectivity. This minimizes the impact of any failures and protects against downtime. Once the migration is complete, build ongoing redundancy into the new data center infrastructure.

Expect the Unexpected

Even with extensive planning and testing, unexpected issues can arise. Be prepared to troubleshoot problems and make adjustments to your migration plan if needed. Have technical resources on standby in both the old and new data centers in case of failures that could cause downtime.

With the right preparation and risk mitigation strategies in place, you can complete a seamless data center migration without disruption. Staying nimble and anticipating the potential for problems will serve you well through all phases of this complex technical project.

Optimize Operations in the New Data Center Environment

Once your data center migration is complete, it’s time to optimize your operations to take full advantage of your new infrastructure. The move to a new facility presents an opportunity to overhaul old processes and implement best practices.

Streamline Management Procedures

How you manage your data center has a huge impact on efficiency and costs. Review all your procedures and workflows to identify areas for improvement. Things like automated monitoring, standardized configurations, and virtualization can help reduce management overhead.

Right-size Your Resources

In a new data center, you have a chance to reevaluate how you allocate resources like power, cooling, and space. Make sure you have enough capacity for current and future needs, but don’t overprovision. Work with data center staff to determine appropriate levels for your specific equipment and traffic volumes. Rightsizing your resources will ensure you only pay for what you truly need.

Enhance Security

A data center migration also allows you to strengthen your security posture. Review access control procedures, add additional physical security measures like biometrics where needed, and deploy the latest cybersecurity tools to protect your infrastructure, applications and data. You should also test and update your disaster recovery and business continuity plans to account for the new environment.

Optimize Performance

Once everything is up and running in the new data center, you can focus on optimizing performance. Monitor key metrics like network latency, bandwidth utilization and server/storage I/O to identify any bottlenecks. Make adjustments to configurations, add more resources or rebalance workloads as needed to achieve maximum performance and efficiency. Ongoing optimization and tuning will help ensure you get the most out of your investment in a new data center.

With some time and effort optimizing your operations, processes and resources, you can turn your data center migration into an opportunity to dramatically improve performance, strengthen security and reduce costs. Continually re-evaluating and enhancing your environment will help future-proof your infrastructure for the long run.


So there you have it — 5 key best practices to keep in mind for a successful data center migration by oneworld logix. By taking the time to plan and prepare, involve the right teams, validate everything, and focus on minimizing downtime, you’ll be setting your organization up for a smooth transition to the new facility. And don’t forget the value of testing, testing, and more testing! With the amount of coordination and precision needed, it always pays off to verify things are working as expected every step of the way. Follow these tips, embrace the opportunities of your new modernized data center, and you’ll be joining the many organizations who have navigated this process successfully. Now go forth and migrate with confidence!

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